Erotic stories of Father to Be
Profile page of Father to Be. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Father to Be wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 287 times
Just me at firstI'm nothing special in looks or build or even that smart, I was alone last of my family. It happened quickly in 2019 there was 23 of my family ranging in age from me at 25 to the oldest 88, most over 55, only a cousin 34 younger than the rest besides me. He was the first to go, liked rock climbing and didn't fall, died due to a falling rock hitting him on the head (early 2020). The pandemic thinned the ranks further mainly in 2021 with only 4 dying in 2020 due to old age mostly, only 1 from the ... reading time 3 mingenreStraightwritten on